Infrastructure: Energy & Housing

TTAG's deep understanding of California's complex infrastructure challenges, such as housing and energy, enables us to navigate the labyrinth of federal/state/local regulations and secure approvals for development projects. We specialize in guiding clients through processes like RHNA, Builder's Remedy, and upzoning, while addressing issues such as affordable housing requirements, wildfire regulations, and insurance affordability.

Our advocacy efforts focus on promoting policies that support housing development and address California's housing shortage. We work closely with policymakers to streamline the development process and reduce regulatory barriers.

TTAG's commitment to advancing housing development in California extends beyond our direct client work. We actively engage with decision makers through briefings and workshops to educate them about the challenges and opportunities facing the building industry. Our goal is to influence policy decisions that support the construction of affordable housing, while ensuring that new developments align with the state's climate goals.

We provide expert insights on energy conservation, insurance accessibility, strategies for meeting climate regulations, and empowering policymakers to make informed decisions that promote sustainable and inclusive housing developments.

By advocating for policies that address critical issues like wetlands, vehicle miles traveled, and utility connections, TTAG supports the broader goal of bolstering California's economy and ensuring that every Californian has the opportunity to own a home.

Additionally, TTAG's expertise in energy policy allows us to provide comprehensive solutions that address the interconnected challenges of housing and energy. Our expertise resides in renewables, natural gas, oil production/refinement, energy demand, water, the California’s Cap-and-Trade program, which is a market-based system intended to lower the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

TTAG’s long-term relationships with local elected officials, state policy makers, committee consultants, and legislative leadership, ensures that our clients are exposed to the nuances of the political process which allows the best decision making on behalf of their interests.